

We first met Trish, her daughter Lizzie and son Alex at the start of Term 3. Trish had read the Canberra Weekly article featuring Kulture Break and was compelled to see about classes for her son Alex, who has level 3 autism.

She had such a meaningful experience, it inspired her to send this email to us…

We attended your first week Wednesday trial class – the 4pm session with Xander and his assistant (whom I admit to regret forgetting his name!) They made me cry big ugly tears.. and overflowed my heart with their inclusion and love. My son (level 3 Autism, significant and severe learning and developmental delays) and they took the time to include him.

When they did the “circle of skill” – they allowed him to include his sister – so he felt calmer. Then cheered for him as they had every single child and then had trouble getting him OUT of the circle!

What a 1000% difference from a few moments earlier! In a world that says they do inclusion – and still puts the children with disabilities down the back – your guys DID inclusion and made you proud. (Thus resulting in my tears – and the reason for this letter!)

May you make me cry 100 times more!
