
Board of directors

Michael Hall
board DirEctoR

Michael is currently the Asia-Oceania representative on the executive of the International Confederation of Principals. He is also the Deputy Chair of the Principals Australia Research Foundation. Michael has been both President of the ACT Principal’s Association, Principal of Erindale College and General Manager of the Erindale Education and Recreation Complex in Canberra. He was previously Principal of Lanyon High School and Deputy Principal at Goulburn High School in NSW.

In 2002, Michael invited Francis Owusu to offer the students at Lanyon High School lunchtime dance sessions and he was enthused by Francis’s vision. From that simple beginning, Francis went onto to create Kulture Break. When Principal at Erindale College, Michael offered Kulture Break a new home at the college and it remains both the spiritual and administrative hub for the organisation.

Michael is a strong advocate for Kulture Break and is delighted to be now, the longest serving Board member.

Alberto Florez
board DirEctoR

Alberto is a creative professional with a keen sense for clarity and strategic insight. With extensive experience across corporate and government sectors, his ability to identify and crystallise an organisations unique needs and successfully reach meaningful outcomes, has seen him deliver significant multi-disciplinary projects across brand, digital and campaign development.

Alberto has been recognised with an Australian Graphic Design Association (ADGA) Effectiveness award and is a past president of ADGA’s ACT chapter. Always eager to share his knowledge, Alberto has previously helped organise The PAGE Awards in Canberra and provided mentorship and talks to students at ANU, University of Canberra and CIT.

Board of advisors

Letitia Hope

Michael D’Elboux

Michael has been a passionate supporter, volunteer and advocate of Kulture Break for more than 20 years. In addition to his role as Board Director, Michael provides event operations and management support for the organisation. As well as being passionately involved in the Canberra community sector, Michael holds a senior position at Amalgamated Property Group and brings his experience in planning, governance and the community sector to the Kulture Break team. Michael was awarded ACT Volunteer of the Year in 2014.

Daniel Potts

Daniel works in the property development sector. Being a local Canberran, he is passionate about the community and in giving his time and relevant knowledge to promoting the needs of the Canberran’s. He has worked as a mentor for Kulture Break, and is an active sponsor through his company Amalgamated Property Group. He assists the Board with its corporate fundraising ambitions and utilises his professional skillset in the financial oversight and structural management of the organisation.