Kulture Break's Privacy Policy
Anti Discrimination Policy
Kulture Break is committed to complying with Federal, State and local laws on Discrimination. Kulture Break is committed to treating people equally despite race, colour, religion, gender, gender-expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status or sexual orientation, in all of its activities and operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring of staff, selection of volunteers and suppliers, clients, and provision of services.
Feedback and complaints
We encourage you to voice your concerns and complaints. If there is something we need to change, please let us know. Even if it’s something small. We are always listening.
To have your say please email us and we will make sure your views are heard and acted upon as soon as possible.
We would also love to hear about what we are getting right! If you would like to share your experience of Kulture Break with us, please drop us a line.
Our Privacy Statement
Kulture Break takes your privacy seriously and complies with the National 13 Privacy Principles at all times. You are always welcome to ask that any details we hold on your family be edited or deleted at any time. For a copy of our privacy policy, or to ask specific questions concerning the use of your personal data, please contact our office during business hours on 6293 3265 or email us at admin@kulturebreak.com
Covid safe measures
We conduct careful cleaning of the studio facilities, including regular cleaning of high touch points, to minimise the spread of Covid-19 and other communicable illnesses. We are phasing out the use of cups for water and these will no longer be available from the studio from Term 4 2022. Hand sanitizer is provided upon entry and each person entering the facility is expected to use it and assist younger children to use it also. Students and visitors are encouraged to maintain space when waiting for their classes and students, coaches and visitors are asked to not attend the studio if they have any symptoms consistent with Covid-19. Our coaches and staff will test for Covid-19 if they become unwell at any stage. Likewise, we ask parents not to send their child to class if they have symptoms consistent with Covid-19 until they have tested negative for the virus. If you have any comments o r questions relating to our covidsafe practices, please contact us on admin@kulturebreak.com